

SMT Recycling GmbH was founded in 2017 and is one of the fastest growing and leading companies for transboundary shipment of solid and liquid hazardous waste in Europe. Our international network in the recycling
business, paired with profound waste background of our staff provides the best solutions for any customer requests.
Our team is fast, flexible and with hands on mentality we are able to fulfil our customer’s needs in the highest possible standard.

Our vision is to define waste in a new way, with our main goal to provide a waste solution for every request,
transforming each waste stream into a valuable resource, energy or secure disposal to make the planet a cleaner and safer place.



Where we are

A-8075 Hart bei Graz, Reintalstraße 51a

Office Graz:
A-8074 Grambach, Parkring 2

Office Vienna:
A-1200 Wien, Kunzgasse 2

Office Desenzano:
I-25015 Desenzano del Garda, Via Anelli 28

Sede secondaria:
I-39011 Lana (BZ), Via Merano 8

ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015